Monday 18 June 2012

Trying again after 2 miscarriages..... Here comes my 3rd

After resting for 3 cycles of mense, went back for follow up. My gynae gave me a chart and she wanted me to chart my temperature every morning and tracking of my mense. She wanted me to try on my own for 2 cycles and bring back the chart.

As I expected I did not get pregnant on my own again after 2 cycles of trying. I went back again for my chart for my gynae to review. My gynae said my basal temperature is low, looks like I did not ovulate and my mense cycle are long (35-40 days). She said she will give me clomid to try for 2 months and follow up again after 2 months. I did not convieve either with the help of clomid.

So I went back again, so she added metformin to my clomid for 2 months again. I got so devastated, why it seems so easy for others to get pregnant, but for me its seems like a very difficult. I just want a child of my very own, why does it seems so difficult.

I started using ovulation test kits, and take basal temperature at the same time. Just wanted to maximise the chance of getting pregnant with the help of medication.

Still not news..... Went back to my gynae, she increased the dose of metformin and clomid, and asked me to try again for another 2 months..

Making love seem so routine, like doing for the sake of having baby, seem like baby making machine. Both of us feels that lost of some passion of doing so. Since after trying for so many months with so much methods still not pregnant. We decided that this is going to be the last try and if still not pregnant, we are going to leave it to god will.

After our trip to Korea, realised my mense was missed for 4 days. Got a pregnancy test kit to test and I got "smiley face"....... Yipee..... I am pregnant again....

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