Monday 4 June 2012

About me, my condition and my heart-shaped uterus

This is about journey of trying to have a child of my own and in the memories of my 4 little angels. I have very painful and long mense since I first got my mense. I never knew why and thought that was normal as my mother never said anything. I remembered during my school days, I will never been able to do normal activity when my mense come. I will have very painful cramp that my whole face turned white like a piece of paper, unable to move but to lie on the bed and to curl up like a worm, hugging my stomach. My mense would also last from 7 to 14 days.

One day, my mum told me that when IOH visits the school, tell the nurses about my condition and see if they can help me. Finally IOH visited our school, and spoke to the nurse about my condition. They asked me to go down to the outram IOH to further investigate my condition. Rounds and rounds of painkillers, from panadol to synflex yet condition did not improve nor help the pain. So they decided to use birth control pills on me at that young age, they said that there is hormone in it that may help regulate my mense. But to no avail, the doctor suggested I go for a ultrasound scan to check my uterus. The doctor told my mum that they found a dark spot which looked like a blood clot or blood tumor, they need to do an operation to remove and check if the tumor is cancerous; I was only 14. We proceeded with the operation, they will do a laparoscopic surgery through my belly button and laser at the pelvic to cut the blood clot/tumor. The findings after the operation was there was no blood clot nor tumor but they found out that I have a heart-shaped uterus. Back then I was young, did'nt know what is it. Just knew that my uterus looks like a heart-shaped which is not a normal uterus. The doctor said I might has problem conveiving.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Williams

    i was at home when i heard a voice saying it is well but i never understand until i receive a pink on my blackberry so i check it out and behold a message containing a testimony of my friend Angela, and i was having fiberboard in my womb and i saw the address of the man who help her, so i decided to give a try and now my fiberboard is no more thank you sir please every woman out there please help me to thank this man, his
