Tuesday 26 June 2012

Misdiagnose of bicornuate uterus. Its a Septate uterus

After 2 weeks of D & C, when back for follow up and collect the result. Gynae said my uterus looks ok and result also come back ok (both of us do not have any abnormal chromsome). I asked her, these have happened so many thing and everything is the same. Is there any further tests to do and any medicine to help me? She shaked her head and said "nothing", she said probably is baby is not healthy. She said rested for 2 mense cycles and I tried again.

But I am not convinced at all. How can it be 3 times also baby not healthy. I started doing reasearch and at the same time look for another opinion. I read about PCOS, it can be help by having low GI food and doing exercise. Taking certain supplements also help. So I decided to try all this as I want to get pregnant naturally after the help of medicine. Through friend's recommendation, I started taking X brand of supplements where have what I needed for PCOS too. While I am also seeing my chinese sinseh, to regulate and strengthen my womb and body.

Also through friend's recommendation, I went to see a fertility doctor and bring along my past records. After going through and discuss, she told me for my scenerio will be (1) may be misdiagnose uterus. Need to do a 3D scan to confirm. I should be septate uterus and not bicornuate uterus. She explained for this septate uterus if the fetus is implant on the center wall, will stop growing and heart beart will stop too as there is not enough nutrients and blood supply to it, (2)  Anti foreign body, she said this will expel when a pregnancy is detected, because the body will identify this is a foreign object growing in the body, (3) Blood coagulation, she said need to check on my blood, if blood clot too fast/thicken it will not reach the fetus, (4) bacteria in uterus, she said there is a type of bacteria which is harmful when pregnancy. This bacteria will attack the fetus and the fetus will stop growing. This bacteria need to be specially tested as it can not be found in pap smear. She said I need to do all this blood tests, swab test and a 3D scan for her to review, so she will see me in 2 weeks times.

Went back to see my reports, she said all blood tests and swab test are negative (means I am ok). 3D scan showed that I am septate uterus and not bicornuate uterus. She then showed me that pictures and explained to me. She said it is easily misdiagnosed, because the when you do ultrasound the inside of the uterus both look the same, only from the outside of the uterus looks different. A normal uterus is (A), Bicornuate uterus is (E) and Septate Uterus is (D). She said the top of bicornuate uterus and septate uterus are different. As for septate uterus, a reconstruction surgery can be done, which is to remove the centre wall in the uterus. She said is a very minor surgery, takes less than 1hour and will be through vaginal. So I decided to go ahead for the surgery, it was very successful and everything went well.


  1. Hi, just read you blog that's is nearly 3yrs old. How were you after surgery ? Was it painful ?
    I've just been told I have a Septate uterus & my Gyno is thinking surgery as I've been trying for 18months - with 1 known miscarriage . Please let me know thanks

  2. Hi, after the operation I am able to get pregnant with 2 healthy kids with help of gynae and aspirin.
