Thursday 7 June 2012

Difficulties getting pregnant after first miscarriage...... PCOS

After 3 menses cycles, we have clearance from gynae that we could try again. But after trying on our own for 3 months, I did not manage to get pregnant. So we went back to see gynae, and to my surprise my gynae tell me that she see small little bubbles in my ovaries. She said that is PCOS, it is commonly found nowaday and can be treated by Clomid. So at that point in time, I didn't think it was that serious since there is medication to help. I was prescribed with 50mg clomid for 2 months and was told that should help. I asked if there is any side-effect, and was told that some peoples might put on weight and having hot flushes. Knowing the side effect I still decide to go ahead hoping that I can get pregnant.

After trying for 2 months with 50mg Clomid, I am still not pregnant, so I went back to my gynae again. She prescribed me additional dose to 100mg Clomid for 2 months. After 7 months of trying, there is still no news. Feeling so stress and vex. As people will usually get pregnant very soon after they have a miscarriage, but that is not happening in my case, even trying with 4 months of Clomid.

I went back to my gynae again, to ask her if she could check and help me. This time I was very disappointed with her comments, she said why should I be in a hurry as I am still so young. I should try for another 6 months to 1 years and if really no news then see what to do next. I must agree that I am eager to get pregnant but I have a bicornuate uterus, just in case if there is any complications I am able to heal and cope better.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting.pcos means the women cannot ovaulate regularly which make it difficult to get pregnant.visit & get ways that can help women for getting pregnant with PCOS
