Wednesday 6 June 2012

Pre-martial check up

4 years ago when decided to settle down, my uterus thingy kind of haunt me. Start to wonder if I will be able to give birth as I am going to get married, how is it going to affect me and my marriage life, will my boyfriend (husband now) able to accept the incomplete me. So I decided to tell my boyfriend about my condition and have fix an appointment to see a gynae through friend's recommendation, and I asked him to come along to understand my condition better.

After ultrasound scan and talking to gynae about what I was told when I was 14 years old, she confirmed that I have a heart-shaped uterus and she said is called "Bicornuate Uterus". We asked how is this going to affect me and my pregnancy. She said people with such uterus are harder to get pregnant, miscarriage chances very high and higher chance of ectopic pregnancy. She recommmended us to start trying if we are planning to get married, as we may take longer time than others.

I was so devastated and broke down, crying badly. Asked my boyfriend if he can accept that we may not have kids and able to accept the incomplete me. He said is ok, asked me to be more optimistic as gynae said harder to get pregnant, doesn't mean cant get pregnant. So there is still chance that we might have our own kids. With that statement, touches me and tell myself to be positive. But at the back of my mind still blaming my inperfert uterus that make me an inperfect woman. Its very sad when a woman cant give birth as a woman.

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