Tuesday 26 June 2012

Misdiagnose of bicornuate uterus. Its a Septate uterus

After 2 weeks of D & C, when back for follow up and collect the result. Gynae said my uterus looks ok and result also come back ok (both of us do not have any abnormal chromsome). I asked her, these have happened so many thing and everything is the same. Is there any further tests to do and any medicine to help me? She shaked her head and said "nothing", she said probably is baby is not healthy. She said rested for 2 mense cycles and I tried again.

But I am not convinced at all. How can it be 3 times also baby not healthy. I started doing reasearch and at the same time look for another opinion. I read about PCOS, it can be help by having low GI food and doing exercise. Taking certain supplements also help. So I decided to try all this as I want to get pregnant naturally after the help of medicine. Through friend's recommendation, I started taking X brand of supplements where have what I needed for PCOS too. While I am also seeing my chinese sinseh, to regulate and strengthen my womb and body.

Also through friend's recommendation, I went to see a fertility doctor and bring along my past records. After going through and discuss, she told me for my scenerio will be (1) may be misdiagnose uterus. Need to do a 3D scan to confirm. I should be septate uterus and not bicornuate uterus. She explained for this septate uterus if the fetus is implant on the center wall, will stop growing and heart beart will stop too as there is not enough nutrients and blood supply to it, (2)  Anti foreign body, she said this will expel when a pregnancy is detected, because the body will identify this is a foreign object growing in the body, (3) Blood coagulation, she said need to check on my blood, if blood clot too fast/thicken it will not reach the fetus, (4) bacteria in uterus, she said there is a type of bacteria which is harmful when pregnancy. This bacteria will attack the fetus and the fetus will stop growing. This bacteria need to be specially tested as it can not be found in pap smear. She said I need to do all this blood tests, swab test and a 3D scan for her to review, so she will see me in 2 weeks times.

Went back to see my reports, she said all blood tests and swab test are negative (means I am ok). 3D scan showed that I am septate uterus and not bicornuate uterus. She then showed me that pictures and explained to me. She said it is easily misdiagnosed, because the when you do ultrasound the inside of the uterus both look the same, only from the outside of the uterus looks different. A normal uterus is (A), Bicornuate uterus is (E) and Septate Uterus is (D). She said the top of bicornuate uterus and septate uterus are different. As for septate uterus, a reconstruction surgery can be done, which is to remove the centre wall in the uterus. She said is a very minor surgery, takes less than 1hour and will be through vaginal. So I decided to go ahead for the surgery, it was very successful and everything went well.

So so sad.... I lost it again

I was very careful as usual, taking bedrest, taking duphston and jabs twice a week. Hoping that I can secure the pregnancy, after been through so much. I started spotting again around 6 weeks again, but when to check my fetus, is doing well and with heartbeat. One week after, suddenly in the middle of the night I feel my panty wet, I looked I have gush of fresh blood coming out. Rushed down to the hospital, the gynae she cant see my fetus's heartbeat beating. She admitted me to the hospital and to do a detailed scan to confirm everything. I couldn't sleep the whole night and crying the whole night. Its feels like the longest night ever. Next morning the nurse came to push me for detailed scan, I was so scare and worry. I saw the radiographer searching for so long, and having a very serious look. I asked her if she can find the fetus's heartbeat, she shaked her head, and I broke down and cried. There goes again. Gynae recommended me to do a D & C in the afternoon and suggested that my husband and me do a chromosome test.

Monday 18 June 2012

Trying again after 2 miscarriages..... Here comes my 3rd

After resting for 3 cycles of mense, went back for follow up. My gynae gave me a chart and she wanted me to chart my temperature every morning and tracking of my mense. She wanted me to try on my own for 2 cycles and bring back the chart.

As I expected I did not get pregnant on my own again after 2 cycles of trying. I went back again for my chart for my gynae to review. My gynae said my basal temperature is low, looks like I did not ovulate and my mense cycle are long (35-40 days). She said she will give me clomid to try for 2 months and follow up again after 2 months. I did not convieve either with the help of clomid.

So I went back again, so she added metformin to my clomid for 2 months again. I got so devastated, why it seems so easy for others to get pregnant, but for me its seems like a very difficult. I just want a child of my very own, why does it seems so difficult.

I started using ovulation test kits, and take basal temperature at the same time. Just wanted to maximise the chance of getting pregnant with the help of medication.

Still not news..... Went back to my gynae, she increased the dose of metformin and clomid, and asked me to try again for another 2 months..

Making love seem so routine, like doing for the sake of having baby, seem like baby making machine. Both of us feels that lost of some passion of doing so. Since after trying for so many months with so much methods still not pregnant. We decided that this is going to be the last try and if still not pregnant, we are going to leave it to god will.

After our trip to Korea, realised my mense was missed for 4 days. Got a pregnancy test kit to test and I got "smiley face"....... Yipee..... I am pregnant again....

Lost of 2nd angel... Due to bicornuate uterus

I am so happy that I finally got pregnant again. Was very careful this time. I quitted my job after I knew I was pregnant (5 weeks) and stayed bed rest. But I still started to bleed when I was about 6 weeks. I have fresh blood gushing out and I rushed to A & E. At the hospital, my gynae arrived and checked on me and my little one. She said she saw heartbeat of my little one and assured that I should be alright. Then I asked her but I was bleeding, why was that so. She said it could be my other uterus has not detected that I am pregnant and was having mense or it just be sign of threatened miscarriage. She said she can't give me a definite answer due to me having a bicornuate uterus. She said the size of the sac and fetus looks alright and proper size and my cervix is closed. So my gynae gave me duphaston and a jab and asked me to stay bedridden at home to monitor my bleeding.

Feel so helpless and stress day by day. After a week and went back for follow up, on the screen of the ultrasound, my gynae can't find any heartbeat of my fetus. After hearing that I was so scared and started crying. She said she would want me to do a detailed scan immediately to confirm if there is still heartbeat of my fetus. Radiographer at the detailed scan office, was searching high and low and by looking at her face just tell me its all gone. I looked and at her and asked if she can find anything, she looked back at me and shaked her head and said "Sorry". My tears bursting out and hugged my husband and cried badly.

Back at to clinic, my gynae told me the report stated that the fetus is only 6week plus where I am supposed to be 7 weeks. That means my fetus has stopped growing and beating for few days, gynae advised to do a D & C immediately to prevent any infection.

Went back for follow up after the D & C, asked my gynae what happen and how can we prevent or to help. She said there is nothing much you can do as sometime is the shape of the uterus, may also be the chronosome of the fetus is abnormal. She asked to just rest for 3 cycles of mense before trying again. There goes my second little angel in heaven.....

Thursday 7 June 2012

TCM & Second opinion

I was recommened by my friend to see this TCM in Marine Parade. She told me that he is very good and have help many people pregnant including herself.

I went down on a weekday to see him, the queue is very long. I was told weekend will be longer. I have waited for 2 hours to see him. To my surprise, I must really salute him, he is really good, unlike other TCM which I have seen. By taking your pulse and asking you a few questions, he will draw a calendar for you. He will tell me that I have long mense cycle and I ovulate between day 17-19 as my cycle is around 35 to 38 days. On the calendar, he will tell you when to take his medicine, when to try for baby and when should not have intercourse. He will give medicine before ovulation so to boost your ovulation, then try on the date he draw. Another round of medication will be give after ovulation to secure your ovulation and date not to have intercourse, is because the sperm and egg are forming by having intercourse may make the fertilization not secure and ended up not pregnant. Even if not pregnant, the medicine will help regulate mense and strengthen uterus. But the only thing is his medicine must boil, as he prescribed herbs, it is really bitter.

Although I did not get pregnant after his first round of medicine, but I do not have cramp for my mense.

Also through friend's recommendation, I went to seek second opinion. I gave her my medical report wrote by my first gynae, she also confirmed that I have bicornuate uterus with PCOS. She said since I used Clomid for 4 months and not working, she will give me metformin to try for 1 month first. She said PCOS is also high sugar in blood, it may not necessary has to be diabetes to have high blood sugar level.

I went back to the chinese sinseh and told him that I was prescribed with metformin, he said he can help me. He actually try to work his medicine with metformin to boost my chance of getting pregnant.

YES!! YES!! I am pregnant again........

Difficulties getting pregnant after first miscarriage...... PCOS

After 3 menses cycles, we have clearance from gynae that we could try again. But after trying on our own for 3 months, I did not manage to get pregnant. So we went back to see gynae, and to my surprise my gynae tell me that she see small little bubbles in my ovaries. She said that is PCOS, it is commonly found nowaday and can be treated by Clomid. So at that point in time, I didn't think it was that serious since there is medication to help. I was prescribed with 50mg clomid for 2 months and was told that should help. I asked if there is any side-effect, and was told that some peoples might put on weight and having hot flushes. Knowing the side effect I still decide to go ahead hoping that I can get pregnant.

After trying for 2 months with 50mg Clomid, I am still not pregnant, so I went back to my gynae again. She prescribed me additional dose to 100mg Clomid for 2 months. After 7 months of trying, there is still no news. Feeling so stress and vex. As people will usually get pregnant very soon after they have a miscarriage, but that is not happening in my case, even trying with 4 months of Clomid.

I went back to my gynae again, to ask her if she could check and help me. This time I was very disappointed with her comments, she said why should I be in a hurry as I am still so young. I should try for another 6 months to 1 years and if really no news then see what to do next. I must agree that I am eager to get pregnant but I have a bicornuate uterus, just in case if there is any complications I am able to heal and cope better.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

My first positive kit and first little angel

After we decided to go ahead with our marriage plan and having positive thought, we took the gynae advised. We started trying for baby even though  our wedding date is about 5 months away. To our surprise after trying for the first month, I am pregnant. I tested for pregnancy when I missed my mense, although is a very faint positive. My boyfriend (husband now) was so surprise and happy.

Immediately I rushed down to my gynae clinic hopefully my baby will be in safe hand. My gynae tested on my HCG, she confirmed I am pregnancy but she said my level is too low for 5 weeks pregnancy (HCG = 145) and ultrasound cannot see anything. She advised me to rest and be careful of any bleeding symptom as that may be a miscarriage.

Upon hearing that my heart sink, feeling very mixed and confused and so is my boyfriend then (husband then). The very next day, when I just reached my work place, I started to feel cramp and abit wet. Rushed to the toilet and saw blood, started crying and immediately rushed down to my gynae. They tested my HCG again. Bad news - - - my HCG level dropped (140). My gynae said even though my HCG level did not drop alot, but dropping of HCG is a bad sign accompany with bleeding and also HCG level not very high. Tried doing a vagina scan, still can't see anything, not even a sac. My gynae wants us to decide whether we wait for the fetus to be bleed out completely or do a D & C. She said the disadvantages of waiting are (1) if it did not bleed out completely on its own, it will cause infection and D & C will still be require to get rid of the remaining; (2) I may need to come back every 2-3 days to see if my HCG went down to "0" to make sure all bleed out (3) I may have ectopic pregnancy where scan not able to be seen. After discussion with my boyfriend then (husband now), we decided to proceed with D & C to prevent any further emotional pain and infection. My gynae said she will do D & C and do a dye test through laparoscopy to make sure it is not ectopic pregnancy, so we proceeded with the operation on the very day.

After the operation, my gynae told me it's not ectopic pregnancy, she done dye test to my tubes and tubes are clear and unblocked. She suspected this is a chemcial pregnancy and confirmed that I really have a bicornuate uterus. Gynae said I need to rest for 3 mense cycles before I can start trying again. So sad and depress.

Pre-martial check up

4 years ago when decided to settle down, my uterus thingy kind of haunt me. Start to wonder if I will be able to give birth as I am going to get married, how is it going to affect me and my marriage life, will my boyfriend (husband now) able to accept the incomplete me. So I decided to tell my boyfriend about my condition and have fix an appointment to see a gynae through friend's recommendation, and I asked him to come along to understand my condition better.

After ultrasound scan and talking to gynae about what I was told when I was 14 years old, she confirmed that I have a heart-shaped uterus and she said is called "Bicornuate Uterus". We asked how is this going to affect me and my pregnancy. She said people with such uterus are harder to get pregnant, miscarriage chances very high and higher chance of ectopic pregnancy. She recommmended us to start trying if we are planning to get married, as we may take longer time than others.

I was so devastated and broke down, crying badly. Asked my boyfriend if he can accept that we may not have kids and able to accept the incomplete me. He said is ok, asked me to be more optimistic as gynae said harder to get pregnant, doesn't mean cant get pregnant. So there is still chance that we might have our own kids. With that statement, touches me and tell myself to be positive. But at the back of my mind still blaming my inperfert uterus that make me an inperfect woman. Its very sad when a woman cant give birth as a woman.

Monday 4 June 2012

About me, my condition and my heart-shaped uterus

This is about journey of trying to have a child of my own and in the memories of my 4 little angels. I have very painful and long mense since I first got my mense. I never knew why and thought that was normal as my mother never said anything. I remembered during my school days, I will never been able to do normal activity when my mense come. I will have very painful cramp that my whole face turned white like a piece of paper, unable to move but to lie on the bed and to curl up like a worm, hugging my stomach. My mense would also last from 7 to 14 days.

One day, my mum told me that when IOH visits the school, tell the nurses about my condition and see if they can help me. Finally IOH visited our school, and spoke to the nurse about my condition. They asked me to go down to the outram IOH to further investigate my condition. Rounds and rounds of painkillers, from panadol to synflex yet condition did not improve nor help the pain. So they decided to use birth control pills on me at that young age, they said that there is hormone in it that may help regulate my mense. But to no avail, the doctor suggested I go for a ultrasound scan to check my uterus. The doctor told my mum that they found a dark spot which looked like a blood clot or blood tumor, they need to do an operation to remove and check if the tumor is cancerous; I was only 14. We proceeded with the operation, they will do a laparoscopic surgery through my belly button and laser at the pelvic to cut the blood clot/tumor. The findings after the operation was there was no blood clot nor tumor but they found out that I have a heart-shaped uterus. Back then I was young, did'nt know what is it. Just knew that my uterus looks like a heart-shaped which is not a normal uterus. The doctor said I might has problem conveiving.